Race Equality Strategic Leaders Group
Bristol’s Race Equality Strategic Leader’s Group have led a number of city-wide and award winning projects delivering innovative research, transparent publications and high profile events.
A summary of some of the key outputs of the group to date are listed below:
Bristol’s Race Equality H.R. Data Product
Bristol’s Race Equality data product was the nations first whole-city snapshot of race representation across multiple sectors. This product transparently presents how all major public sector agencies in the City are performing in terms of their race equality data, including detail on pay by race for key H.R. indicators such as by representation, pay, grievance, disciplinary and sickness dat. The driving force of this key initiative is to ensure fairer, more inclusive workplaces for employees across the City as well as ensuring more representative workforces to serve the communities of Bristol. This multi-agency approach to identifying and tackling race inequality is reflective of the One City approach that the group have committed to throughout Bristol when tackling major challenges.
Started in 2017, the group created the city’s first ever data picture of 11 of Bristol’s largest public sector bodies. As well as being a first for Bristol, this type of city wide look at the ethnic diversity of public sector organisations was also believed to be a first in the UK. The first version of Bristol’s Race Equality H.R. Data product (published in 2017) won the ‘Transparency Award’ at the prestigious Global Equality and Diversity Awards. In picking up the award the data tool was praised by the award judges for being “the best example of published data and transparent information across business and the public sector on organisational make up, staff and/or customer service.”
Now entering its fourth iteration, the product has grown exponentially and captures 50,000 employees across Bristol. The product has continued to broaden in scope, engaging multiple sectors across the city, enabling them to move beyond statutory obligations.
Versions of the Product:
• Bristol’s Race Equality H.R. Data product 2021
• Bristol’s Race Equality H.R. Data product 2019
• Bristol’s Race Equality H.R. Data product 2017
If you would like to request a PDF copy then please contact: Equalities@bristol.gov.uk

“Race and the City” Programme of Events
‘Race and the city’ is an annual series of events designed to ensure the Strategic leaders group continues to engage with a wide range of stakeholders and community groups throughout the city and beyond. It provides the opportunity for stakeholders across the city to connect and collaborate and ensure a multi-agency approach with city wide conversations to address race challenges.
Race and the city conference
First held in 2019, Bristol’s Race Equality Strategic Leaders group were instrumental in hosting a high profile and impactive Race Equality conference. The Conference was delivered on a national scale by a range of key national leaders and renowned race equality keynote speakers. This event brought together over 230 delegates made up of national government, regional and local strategic leaders as well as specialist practitioners from across all sectors. Key outcomes were to ensure the creation of lasting networks, sharing good practice and learning, discussing future opportunities and challenges faced as well as setting the future direction of travel for tackling Race Inequality across the city and further afield.
Useful links for the 2019 conference:
- You can watch the conference film here.
- Lord Wooley’s speech can be found here.
- Press releases from Bristol 24/7 and MJ press.
- Delegate pack.
- Evaluation report.
The conference moved online during the pandemic and was delivered in person again in March 2024. The conference continues to be wide-reaching with a diverse range of stakeholders attending from across the city to discuss race equality challenges across a range of policy areas.
Our City Your Jobs
In 2023, the group hosted ‘Our City Your Jobs’, a careers and recruitment event for racially minoritised communities in Bristol. The most recent event had 35 organisations represented and had great interest from communities, with over 350 attendees. Our evaluation from the event showed that 94% of attendees were likely to apply for roles in participating organisations, 100% expressed a desire to attend similar future events, and 91% rated their experience highly in helping them find career opportunities.
Other events have included spotlight sessions on:
- Health
- Muslims in Bristol
- Education
- Criminal justice
Previous Reports
Tackling Race Inequality in 2020 Top 3 Priorities for Bristol’s Public Sector Agencies – A Mid-Year Progress Report.
As part of the annual work plan for 2020 the group made a commitment to individually publish what key race equality priorities . We also committed to then follow this up with a progress report to share the range of initiatives and interventions that have been delivered in order to tackle these challenges. This progress report outlines the initiatives and intervention that were delivered in order to address the key priorities. The updates set out in the document highlight some of the good practice examples delivered across Bristol.
You can access the document by clicking here.
EU Innovation Award Semi Finalists
Bristol was one of six cities to be shortlisted for the prestigious European Capital of Innovation in 2024 for race equality work. The Awards recognise cities that open their governance practices to experimentation, and aim at being role models for other cities.
Bristol’s bid focussed on the challenges of trying to achieve racial equity across the city and Bristol’s leadership in fostering social cohesion through inclusive governance and strategic events. It included key activities delivered through the Race Equality Strategic Leaders Group including; the development of the Race Eco System, Bristol’s Race Equality data product, Targeted events delivered for citizens, such as “Our City, Your Jobs,” and the delivery of a broad range of themed events, to ensure conversations are opened up for attendance, thought and input from all sectors, stakeholders and communities in Bristol.
The bid also summarised Bristol’s efforts to implement a range of strategic and operational partnerships across all sectors, to ensure inclusive governance and leadership, whilst fostering social cohesion which has resulted in the city becoming a national leader in innovative race equity practices.
Should you have any queries regarding the work of Bristol’s Race Equality Strategic Leaders Group please direct these to Equalities.Team@bristol.gov.uk