Latest News and Bulletins

Welcome to the home of the latest news and bulletins from Bristol’s Race Equality Strategic Leaders’ Group (RESLG) where we will be sharing updates from the group, highlights and recent developments in our work.

The bulletins will provide information and updates on what is happening that you can share with your colleagues and wider stakeholders. We aim to provide brief overviews on a range of key projects and developments with links or points of contact for those interested to access the detail.

We hope to reach as wide an audience as possible to raise awareness of the work of the group with stakeholders across the city and we aim to produce the bulletins at least bi-monthly or more frequently if needed.

If you or your organisation would like to contribute updates to future bulletins, please get in touch at


4. Race Equality SLG Bulletin 4 – November 2021 – Here, readers can learn about latest news from the Race & the City 2 programme of events, as well as learning about some good practice initiatives shared by health trust and University colleagues to tackle race inequality.

3. Race Equality SLG Bulletin 3 – May 2021 – In this newsletter, readers can find about more about Bristol’s 2nd Race Equality Gathering, the Black Internship Programme, the launch of the Research Action Coalition for Race Equality (RACE) and more…..

2. Race Equality SLG Bulletin 2 – March 2021 – In this update, there is a focus on the 2021 Race Equality Annual Programme of Events, supporting the work of the Covid-19 Race Equality Steering Group, Bristol Living Wage City and more….

1. Race Equality SLG Bulletin 1 – January 2021 – this 1st group bulletin focuses on the delivery of Bristol’s Race Equality Gathering, Stepping Up, Your City Your Jobs recruitment events, the Race Equality Top 3 Priorities document and more…