Environment Board

By 2050 Bristol will be a sustainable city with low impact on our planet and a healthy environment for all.

Our Vision. By 2030 we will have delivered on the vital need to tackle climate change by becoming carbon neutral and our city will be more resilient to the challenges climate change will continue to bring. We will work with the city to champion climate action and make radical changes to how we live. This will result in a higher quality of life, and the promise of a more sustainable future. By 2050 our city will be litter-free with the nitrogen dioxide levels of rural England. As well as this, the tree canopy and wildlife will have doubled compared to 2018 and biodiversity will be at a level never before seen in the city. Sustainability will be designed into our city, from renewable energy in our homes to zero-waste economies on our high-streets.

The Environment Board will also oversee the development of action plans to deliver on priorities of the One City Climate Strategy whilst actively responding to the recommendations made by the Bristol Advisory Committee on Climate Change.

The Environment board co-created the One City Climate Ask with the Economy board. If you are interested in making a commitment to Net Zero, there is more information on the link.

See Environment board resources for minutes, agendas, future meeting dates and Terms of Reference.


The Co-Chairs of the Environment Board are Bristol City Council, Councillor Martin Fodor, and ARUP’s Associate, Resilience and Climate Change Advisor, Ann Cousins.

Environment Board members are currently:

  • Avon Wildlife Trust, Ian Barrett
  • Black and Green Ambassador Alumni, Olivia Sweeney
  • Black and Green Ambassador Alumni, Roy Kareem
  • Bristol City Council, Alex Minshull
  • Bristol City Leap, James Sterling
  • Bristol Climate & Nature Partnership, Lizzi Testani
  • Bristol Waste Company, Hannah Sturman
  • Bristol Waste Company, Lucy Edgar (alternate member)
  • Bristol Water, Iain McGuffog
  • Centre for Sustainable Energy, Janine Michael (alternate member)
  • Disability Climate Justice Consultant, Doctor Emma Geen
  • Environment Agency, Ben Shayler
  • Future Economy Network, Katherine Piper
  • Natural History Consortium, Savita Willmott
  • North Bristol NHS Trust, Sam Willits
  • Resource Futures, Gwen Frost
  • University of Bristol (UoB), Professor Phil Taylor
  • University of Bristol (UoB), Professor Chris Priest (alternate member)
  • Wessex Water, Dan Green

Further information

Bristol’s One City Plan and links between the One City Plan and the UN Sustainable Development Goals

Bristol Climate & Nature Partnership