Governance Board

The One City Governance Board is an advisory group which brings together representatives from key anchor partners to support the City Office. The Board has an advisory role in the ongoing shape and direction of the City Office and the One City Approach.

Each member of the Governance board has something unique to contribute and collectively members provide the City Office with advice and guidance on key areas including:

  • Progress against One City Priorities (as agreed at the Annual City Gathering event).
  • Thematic board work programmes.
  • The funding and resource position.
  • The One City Plan refresh (next due 2025).


Representatives are from organisations that hold a networking and leadership function for their sector within the city. The Board represents the core sectors of the city as determined by the theory of place-based leadership plus other Anchor Institutions including:

  • Representation from the city’s voluntary, charity and social enterprise sector and community sector.
  • Representation to ensure equality, inclusion and diversity is at the core of work.
  • Representation to ensure environmental sustainability threads through all work of the One City Approach.
  • A representative of City Funds.

In January 2024 the Board agreed on the following membership:

  • North Bristol NHS Trust, Xavier Bell
  • University Hospitals Bristol and Weston NHS Foundation Trust, Rebecca Dunn
  • University of the West of England, Tracey John
  • University of Bristol, Lucinda Parr
  • City of Bristol College, Julia Gray
  • Voscur, Rebecca Mear
  • Bristol City Council Leader, Councillor Tony Dyer
  • Bristol City Council, Paul Martin
  • Bristol Chamber of Commerce and Initiative, Victoria Matthews
  • City Funds, Andy Street
  • Bristol Climate & Nature Partnership, Lizzi Testani
  • TUC South West, Ines Lage

Terms of Reference

Governance Board Terms of Reference 

Board Agendas

08 January 2024 – Governance Board Agenda

02 October 2023 – Governance Board Agenda