We are delighted to share our guide to Bristol’s Race Eco System tool with you.
Our vision was to work with race equality stakeholders across the city to help to create a simplistic and visual display of the many groups, networks and partnerships that exist across Bristol in tackling race inequality. Our aim was to produce a high-level overview and directory for all interested parties, explaining a complex landscape more clearly to help facilitate even greater understanding and collaboration across stakeholders throughout the region. This document details more information about the city’s key groups, their priorities and make-up, as well as signposting to websites where greater detail such as work plans, reports, terms of reference and membership can be found.
Creating this document has been a truly collaborative piece of work and we wish to thank those who helped to develop the document, namely Bristol’s Race Equality Strategic Leaders’ Group, Black South West Network, the Commission on Race Equality and Bristol Design.
In addition we would also like to thank all those groups and organisations featured in the document for their engagement and their content submissions.
Please circulate the document to your colleagues within your organisations, as well as sharing more widely with all your networks.
There has been a commitment throughout this process to ensure this is a ‘living’ document and we will continue to ensure the document adapts and grows to enable inclusion of wider race-focused groups / projects or organisations as they request. Should you wish to see your agency included in this document please e-mail Andrew.Mallin@bristol.gov.uk
We hope that you and your colleagues find this document to be a useful tool in trying to simplify what is a fairly large and complex landscape and we look forward to continuing to work with you all in connecting our city on tackling race inequality.