The One City Goals Dashboard
The One City Plan has 546 initiatives. This dashboard allows you to filter theme, sub-theme, relevant Sustainable Development Goal, year or keyword. If you have any feedback or suggestions for future goals please complete our short survey so we can improve this new tool.
There is also now a new Ward Profiles tool available to all, with information on many aspects of Bristol life including population, jobs and the economy, quality of life, health, education, and community safety for each ward in Bristol. There is now free access to more in-depth data across all these topics. Further information can be found on our Ward Profiles webpage
Bristol holds annual awards to recognise individuals, communities and organisations for their leadership and contribution to an environmentally sustainable and socially just future
With support from the Economy and Skills board and business support partners, 50% of citizens and businesses have actively made changes and are working towards a carbon neutral and nature rich city by 2030
Reduce residual household waste below 180kg per person and ensure that 50% of all household waste is sent for reuse, recycling or composting
Working with the Youth Council and schools across Bristol, schools have begun significantly reducing their material consumption
Local, regional, sustainable and fair trade food is available citywide and affordable vegetarian, vegan and locally sourced meals are a popular choice
100% of large businesses and 50% of SMEs operating in Bristol have adopted a carbon reduction plan to address their Scope 1, 2 & 3 emissions, working with business support partners/agencies to engage businesses and monitor delivery
The volume of street litter that has to be collected has reduced since 2020 and the majority of people are happy / content with the cleanliness of their streets
The health and care system services and supply chains are carbon neutral and are prepared for future climate conditions and hazards