One City Strategies
The City Office has produced a number of citywide strategies that support the delivery of specific tangible city priorities. These strategies have been developed and written in partnership with city stakeholders and while Bristol City Council will be a key partner, the delivery of these strategies will involve collaboration with city partners.
One City Strategy Guidance
The City Office has created guidance to support the production of a high-quality One City strategies. If you are interested in created a One City Strategy please click the link to review the guidance and complete this short questionnaire.

Bristol Good Food 2030: A One City Framework for Action
Bristol Good Food 2030: A One City Framework for Action sets out priorities and initiatives which aim to make Bristol’s food system better for people and communities, climate and nature, workers and businesses.
Organisations, community groups, institutions and citizens across Bristol have worked together to create the framework and develop a collaborative approach in order tackle food-related challenged facing our city.

One City Economic Recovery and Renewal Strategy
The One City Economic Recovery and Renewal Strategy has been produced with input from a wide range of institutions, organisations and individuals in Bristol, and begins to set out our priorities for recovering and renewing the city’s economy in the context of sustainable development. It is owned by the Economy and Skills Board.
One City Climate Strategy
Bristol’s Environment Board has come together to develop a One City Climate Strategy. It builds on Bristol’s challenges and opportunities, including the inequalities in the city, but also the existing climate action and the networks and knowledge in the city.

One City Ecological Emergency Strategy
In 2020, Bristol partners came together to declare an ecological emergency. Bristol’s wildlife, ecoystems and habitats are vitally important to us all, as the loss of biodiversity affects our lives in many ways, from the insects that pollinate our food to the green spaces that enhance our resident’s health and wellbeing.
This strategy is our city’s first co-ordinated effort to confront the ecological decline we face and put forward solutions that match the urgency and scale of the issue.
Bristol Belonging Strategy for Children and Young People
Constructed with partners, children, young people and their families, this strategy sets out how we will begin our journey of recovery from the pandemic by mitigating its adverse impacts across our communities and building back better within a generation.
The Vision Statement sets out the shared intent and describes the approach we aim to embed.
Supporting documents for the Belonging Strategy:
One City Food Equality Strategy for Bristol
Designed to recognise and tackle the issues of rising food inequality, this strategy will work alongside other initiatives in the city that tackle poverty and inequality.
Co-produced with Feeding Bristol, this Strategy has been developed through a collaboration of key stakeholders throughout the city, including representatives of organisations working both directly and indirectly within the food sector, and members of the wider community.
One City Food Equality Action Plan
The One City Food Equality Action plan is the first three year action plan that sets out the steps that need to be taken by stakeholders in various sectors to help achieve food equality in Bristol. It includes actions that have already started and are ready to be expanded, actions that we know must be taken by 2026 and new actions and projects that will be piloted before 2026.
Bristol Fuel Poverty Action Plan
The Fuel Poverty Action Plan provides the city with direction and a strategic approach for supporting vulnerable households across the city. The plan includes actions we can take as a city to support households in fuel poverty and preventative measures to ensure more people do not fall into it.
With involvement from the Health & Wellbeing Board, the Homes & Communities Board and the Environment Board, the Fuel Poverty Action Plan is an opportunity to utilise the One City Approach and bring together organisations to improve the lives of those living in cold homes and prevent further households from ending up in fuel poverty.